
Perfecting Insanity

They say the line between madness and genius is a thin one. A person who thinks beyond that which others believe possible does, in-fact, dance with madness. Their genius misunderstood by the masses is labeled madness, and the person exists in that state until they begin to question their sanity. It seems only when one embraces their madness and takes their obsession to the uttermost limits that they are suddenly, by the masses, seen as a genius.

Driven by unquenchable obsession and unfathomable passion, the genius devotes themselves to their path. Be it science, art, music, math, chess, literature, in truth, the topic does not matter. It is only the obsession and passion, those things that carry in them a touch of madness, that matter. For it is these things that drive a person to explore, to experiment, to push past the edge of the arbitrary boundaries of what is know.

I have no real notions of being considered a genius. Intelligent? Yes. Kind? Yes. Seemingly full of useful advice? According to those I am lucky enough to call friend, yes. Obsessive passion? No. It is here that I find myself lacking. Once a wild ball of untapped potential, now mostly unfocused and exhausted. I have a deep desire to experience the obsessive passion that is so easily mistaken for madness. However, I have little idea of where to start.

On occasion, the notion of developing an obsessive passion for life, as cheesy as that sounds, has crossed my mind. In many ways, this notion is what led me to be writing this, contemplating my next steps, teetering on the brink of experimentation and self-exploration. So here’s to turning desire into an obsessive passion, to dancing with madness, to perfecting insanity.

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