
The Power of Trees

We walked along the rugged dirt path. Dry wild grass and gold-leafed aspen trees spread out on either side of us. The autumn air was crisp as it entered our lungs. The sky was blue and cloudless; though shining brightly, the sun could not pierce through the darkness that hung over us and clung to us. As we went, I consciously maintained my center, the grounded healer patiently holding space. Watching as my friend of 32 years grieved the sudden death of her father. Walking beside her, I relied on various pieces of my spiritual training to stay present. Open to her journey and bearing witness to her struggle and pain. I could feel the waves of grief as they washed over her, threatening to sweep her away.

The wind moved through the trees like a whisper. Then I heard a voice speak as clearly as if standing beside me, 

“Bring her to me. If she does not ground, she will be lost to her sea of grief.”

 I looked around for the source and saw an aspen, tall and beautiful, not far from the path. Like a magnet, it drew me to it. Putting my hand up, I felt its energy, and instantly I knew what was needed. I called to my friend to join me near the tree and had her place one hand on it, the other over her heart. I then began to speak words that were not mine. The aspen’s message flowed through me. Speaking of grounding, breath, and our interconnectedness. Of relying on our strong roots against the crashing waves and the ways in which our community feeds us in our time of need.

I watched as my friend breathed deeply, and I could feel her ground into the earth as she lent into the tree. The aspen giving so freely its unwavering support. When she was ready, we thanked the tree and walked arm-in-arm back to the car. The pain and grief still raw upon us, but no longer feeling overwhelmed by the waves, no longer in danger of being swept away.  

It is no wonder that something as seemingly simple as a tree could have such a profound effect. Our ancestors knew of the power of trees. We see it encoded in myths and spiritual beliefs from around the world. The sacred groves of the Druids, the banyan tree that the Buddha sat under, Yggdrasil the Norse world tree, the tree of knowledge in the Garden of Eden, and so many more.  

Modern science also recognizes the powers of these phenomenal beings. Not only are many medicines derived from the bark, oil, leaves, and fruits of trees, but just being in the presence of trees has been documented to have a beneficial effect. A 2004 study conducted by The National Land Afforestation Promotion Organisation in Japan found that spending time in the forest helped to strengthen the immune system, improve heart rate and blood pressure, and lower cortisol (the stress hormone). In fact, the benefits of even just looking at trees have prompted some hospitals to redesign their recovery wards so that windows look out at parks and trees.  

As we continue navigating the complexities of modern life, we should remember the amazing power of trees. For they are holistic wonders helping our bodies, mind, and spirits; grounding and ever-giving beings. So, the next time you are experiencing the stress, anxiety, grief, or disconnection that comes with life turn to the woods and spend some time connecting with a tree.

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