
A Choice

Falling away from grace I cry. 
To much time spent asking why, 
Wishing I couldn’t see through the illusion. 
Oh, the bliss of ignorance and dilution. 

But such is not my destiny, 
Keen sight and wit were blessed to me.
Knowing the truth of our interconnection
has me whirling without direction. 

I see pain and suffering all around 
The greed and hatred that’s abound.
People in power making bad decisions
Fueled by narrow selfish reasons. 

Poisoning our water, food, and air. 
Mass media distractions so we won’t care. 
Idolizing well-dressed crooks, 
Caring only about people’s looks. 

America, it is time to wake up 
stop blindly following like a little lost pup. 
We the people have the power 
and this is our defining hour. 

The world is ours to create 
an image of love or an image of hate. 
So now I beg of each of you 
to set aside dividing views. 

Embrace compassion, truth, and love.
Don’t just wait for a miracle from above.
For there are only two futures I can see.
Self-destruction or UNITY.

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