Snake Medicine
Love them or hate them, snakes invoke strong imagery. In cultures around the world, the snake has represented creativity, fertility, transformation, and health. However, ophidiophobia, or fear of snakes is one of the most common phobias in the world. This…
Little Sun upon the earth Your appearance heralds the spring. Bright you face the sky. Hundreds of slender yellow petals.
The Seasons of a Tree in Four Haikus
Spring Tender little buds Long slender silver branches The birch awakens
Grief is a funny thing. Bendy and twisted, it weaves itself through the very fiber of your being. In the quiet private moments is can be felt clearly, a melancholy void that sits deep in your chest. In the busy…
Perfecting Insanity
They say the line between madness and genius is a thin one. A person who thinks beyond that which others believe possible does, in-fact, dance with madness. Their genius misunderstood by the masses is labeled madness, and the person exists…