• Poetry


    She sat in the darkness 
Locked in her own mind
A spinning maze of endless directions 
But still feeling the bind Stuck in the spider’s web 
Unable to move 
Paralyzed by so many options
She just has so much to prove Crushed…

  • Spirituality

    The Power of Trees

    We walked along the rugged dirt path. Dry wild grass and gold-leafed aspen trees spread out on either side of us. The autumn air was crisp as it entered our lungs. The sky was blue and cloudless; though shining brightly,…

  • Poetry

    A Call To Healers

    Come back oh great healers Come back from the war The war on diseases The war on life Come back oh great healers Come back to the wisdom The wisdom of nature The nature of life

  • Spirituality


    Grief is a funny thing. Bendy and twisted, it weaves itself through the very fiber of your being. In the quiet private moments is can be felt clearly, a melancholy void that sits deep in your chest. In the busy…