• Poetry,  Spirituality

    Seven Sacred Directions

    We will start at the top and deosil down, Making our way to the ground, First, there is the above, Where the ancestors watch with both judgment and love. Gifts they send, warnings, and wisdom too, Yet how these are…

  • Poetry


    She sat in the darkness 
Locked in her own mind
A spinning maze of endless directions 
But still feeling the bind Stuck in the spider’s web 
Unable to move 
Paralyzed by so many options
She just has so much to prove Crushed…

  • Poetry

    Invisible Illness

    Sometimes I wish the pain I’m in 
could be seen upon my skin.
Darkly bruised or blotch spots
bright white scars or red little dots. Then maybe you would think it’s real
and not that, out nothing I make a big deal.
That it’s…

  • Poetry

    I AM…

    I am a bard, a shaman, a mystic.
I am a pagan, a witch, and just me. 
I am divinity and I am human.
Limitless potential enshrined in mortal flesh. I am breath and I am movement.
I am stillness and I am…

  • Poetry

    A Choice

    Falling away from grace I cry. To much time spent asking why, wishing I couldn’t see through the illusion. Oh, the bliss of ignorance and dilution. But such is not my destiny, keen sight and wit were blessed to me.…

  • Poetry

    A Call To Healers

    Come back oh great healers Come back from the war The war on diseases The war on life Come back oh great healers Come back to the wisdom The wisdom of nature The nature of life

  • Poetry


    Little Sun upon the earth
Your appearance heralds the spring.
Bright you face the sky.
Hundreds of slender yellow petals.